First of all, I want to say that anyone who did not like Outdoor Ed should go it in a corner and rethink their opinion. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!  We had so many fun activities, including the night hike, archery, the rock wall, and much more.  The meals were awesome too. Some people might not like the fact that they did not serve soda, but I think it worked out great.  The cabin names we made up were so much fun too! The Spartans (Hoo, Hoo, Hoo), the Wind Breakers (What's that smell?!), the Tree Huggers (Lets get sappy!) and the Malt Shakers. Who cannot like that!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I'm sure we were all happy to see our family, and if your family is like mine, you were smothered for details the next few days. 
                                                                                Meh, Signing off
11/14/2012 09:32:24 am

best field trip ever


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